In the book Love Never Fails, the testimony of Daniel and Dolores Tiburcio unfolds. They met in junior high in the 1950s. The two married in 1962 and went on to have two beautiful children. As time goes by, dysfunction from alcoholism and codependency takes over. After years of debilitated decay, the pair divorced. Dolores reaches out to her faith and church family. Daniel continues in addiction until he hits rock bottom. God shows up, begins to work, and miraculously restores Daniel and Dolores’ marriage. The understanding at the heart of their testimony: “Agape love never fails.”

In I Corinthians 13, starting at verse 8, Paul states that agape love never fails. There will be a time when we no longer require faith because we will be in God’s presence. We will no longer need hope because we will dwell in the reality of His glory. Yet, when all else has been deemed useless or needless. The greatest of these will remain—agape love.

Main Text: I Corinthians 13:1-13 (ESV)