We're glad you're checking us out!

Here are a few things that might make your first few visits a little easier.

What time do things start?

Sunday School begins at 9 am. Worship follows at 10 am.

What is the church service like?

Our service is probably similar to what you'd expect: a few songs, a children's message, a sermon, open worship, and a closing. 

What is Open Worship?

Open worship is also called Quaker Communion. It is a time for individuals to center down and spend intentional time with God while at Church. It's also a time where, if you feel the Holy Spirit leading, you are encouraged to share what God has laid on your heart. Open worship usually lasts a few minutes.

What about my kids?

We love having kids in church with us! There are Sunday School classes at 9 am for Children of all ages. Sunday School typically runs from September through May.

During the worship service, there is a short children's message where kids are welcomed down to the front of the church. They usually head back to the pew with a little treat as well! Kids can grab an activity bag from the Whittier Room (the closest Sunday School room to the foyer) to use during worship.

Nursery is available for babies through 3 years old during Sunday School and Worship.  An usher is available to help you find the nursery.

All of our Children and Youth volunteers go through mandatory training. We're happy to answer any questions you have questions about our Child Protection Policy. There's also a copy in the outer office.

What do I wear?

You'll find all sorts of attire at our services. Many people wear what you might describe as business casual, but you are welcome to wear what feels comfortable to you! There's no dress code.